Show me one person that loves to party-hardy, and I'll show you five people that enjoy relaxing and getting their chill on. If you haven't realized, dancing can be a very dangerous activity. I know plenty of people that have twisted their ankle or pulled a groin muscle getting their serious boogie on. Plus, I read in a Playboy Magazine article that too much dancing can cause accelerated athlete's foot. Those things could ever happen while in the safer chill mode. I put this joint together for my simulated Spring cleaning episodes around the crib, so I decided to share this chumpy with you downloading music professionals out there. Even though this mixx was created to be played on Sunday afternoons, feel free to play it whenever you want to get some stuff done around your way. This is perfect background music as well...TRACKS INCLUDE:01~Bob James>Rain02~Michael Franks>Amazon03~10cc>I'm Not In Love04~Lionel Richie>Love Will Find Away05~N'Dambi>Lonely Woman06~Al Green ft. John Legend>Stay With Me By The Sea07~Pete Belasco>Love Train08~Noel Zancanella>Lovely09~Plantlife>Fool For U10~Zo!>Dilla11~Najee>Betcha Don't Know12~Shaun Escouffery>She's Gone13~Azur ft. D'Angelo>Love Is So Cold14~Stevie Wonder>As15~The Winans ft. Anita Baker>No Need To Worry16~Vikter Duplaix ft. Ms. Saigon>Stimulation17~Phyllis Hyman>Living All AloneGET IT RIGHT HERE!
ok, some jackass did something stupid while clearing the gas lines near my complex and clipped the phone lines. i will have no internet access for 2 weeks (so they say. this is day 10). what does this have to do with anything? your phrase "downloading music professionals". maaaaaaaaan, i never knew the meaning of "withdrawal" until this crap here. my mind has never been so unsteady, wondering what downloads i'm missing, if i'm going to see them once the 'net is up & running and all of them have been deleted, how i'm going to be searching all over the 'net looking for these files and hoping i didn't miss what could end up being a complete waste of my ears friggin' time. ok, this is sounding more like "downloading music junkies". anyway, 9 days into this horror flick, a friend of mine says "why didn't you just go to starbuck's", and 1st i'm thinking "you've known me long enough to know i don't drink coffee, so", but then i begin to literally kick myself in public once the thought that they have wi-fieverywhere now (d'oh!), even at the skrip club. so today i end up at club chunky tush surfing around and seeing that i haven't missed a thing. then i come here and you have this new mix with phyllis hyman. "living all alone" was the 1st song that made me say "oh snap, i didn't know that was her/him?!?" and it brought back so many memories of seeing her video for the 1st time on video soul (sherri carter. i think i'm still the only person who wasn't seeing why dudes was sweating her. now... madeline woods?!?), hearing about her passing (that jacked me up because i didn't know i had a crush on her until she passed. shame), talking to friends about how the 90's sucked, then how it didn't, then how maybe it did, but at least we got some decent music out of it. anyway, thanks for another great mixx, and the memories. i'm about to get back to sipping on this hot white chocolate and e-mail my friend about what the hell gnarls barkley was thinking putting out that reversed cd. and yes, i'm still downloading it...
@Kurt - Phyllis was the real deal back in the day, but I didn't realize her star power until the later years of her career. I too was saddened by her death because I realized that even with all of her success she was still very unhappy with her life! She had many classic records during her career, and I still play some of her music on the regular. BTW, Ms. Carter from Video Soul was pretty hot...LOL!
Speaking of artists like Phyllis, I got some stuff planned music wise coming up that I think will be beneficial to many music fans, so stay posted.
Welcome back to the net too...
This is a great mix! I love the mixture of genres and tunes you've put together. Good work!
That Najee song just happens to be one of my favorites. I have kept this mix on repeat for a couple of days now and it is wonderful!
I applaud you for a job well done my friend.
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