It's about that time for the 3rd installment of the Ear Test Mixx Series! This one is an ear full of joy! I am still in the process of trying to destroy the evil that plagues the world called, "Urban Radio!" It's an impossible task, but I'm up for the challenge. Recently, I had a conversation with a partner of mines that had worked at one of the local radio stations out here in Detroit. This dude is a genuine music lover, and he had sincere hopes of making a musical difference by working in radio broadcasting. He quickly realized that today's radio is nothing more than a bunch of prescheduled and prepared playlists of TOP 40 mess! It has nothing to do with music actually, it's about the money! That's the sad truth! To make a long story short, there is really NO chance of hearing any true independent or underground music on the radio? When unknown artists send in free CDs or vinyl to the radio stations hoping to get some airtime, it goes into a storage (trash) bin where anyone can take it! Eventually, it ends up in the dumpster if no one grabs it, never to be heard on the air. Lots of quality stuff goes to waste.
Today's DJ (Disc Jockey) is nothing more than a sound board operator with a list of songs to play. He or she has no real say in what is played! There may be a few exceptions like Russ Parr, Tom Joyner & Steve Harvey, but it's still planned out! It not like they can just the feeling, pick up a Erykah Badu CD and play track 3? My partna even told me that he wrote scripts for some of the DJs at the station to read over the air as if they were coming up with this stuff on their own?? After talking with my man, it's needless to say that I became totally disgusted..... (Turn off that B.S.!!!)
Aiight...enuff on that! Let's get on to the mixx breakdown.
As usual I am all over the place with this one! Unlike my other mixes that are usually themed...the EAR TESTS are meant to be unorthodox. I try to pick songs that are mostly unheard by artists that are not well-known for these mixes. All dope cuts though in my personal opinion! I started this mix off with a nice D'Nell electronica cut called, "This Thing." To keep the vibe going I added a little Herb Alpert and Aya! The funk you feel in the middle is Jazzanova with "Coffee," Elluud on "Open Your Eyes" and Reggie Watts vibin' nicely on "Wanna Get!" I smooth it out near the end with tracks from Science Fiction, N'Dambi and some classic Sweetback! Erro brings it home, and I put a nice underground hiphop track to finally shut the door, and cut off the lights! I don't want you to get all caught up with the names of the artists and songs titles. Just get with the music! We can get to that other stuff later. Put your ears on this one for sure!
Before you download this dope mix, all you hiphop headz need to checkout this link from MTV.com releasing their Top 10 MCs! Also, they allowed certain artists like Big Daddy Kane, Rakim & Mary J. Blige to make a list of their Top MCs as well! An interesting read, no doubt! Is this accurate? Where is Bushwick Bill??
MTV's TOP 10 MCs!
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
is it possible to get the tracklist of this mix...?
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