Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I bet when you first saw the photo for this post you thought, who the hell is this child molesting, middle school swim substitute-teacher looking dude that Nexx is posting about now? Maybe not that exact thought, but I’m quite sure that I was close, right? Well, for your information this gentleman is not anything of the sort, but most would consider him a jazz legend. His name is Michael Franks (if you didn’t know already) and he was making music before I was born, but this is my dude! I am constantly playing his albums in the whip and around the house just because I never get tired of his stuff. His jazz vocals are nothing exceptional compared to many of the greats, but they are definitely catchy after a few listens.

Truthfully, I am not doing this post on M. Franks to turn the masses on to his music, because I’m guessing that many of my frequent visitors probably wouldn’t give his stuff a fair listen. I am doing this post to answer a question that I get asked over and over and over again! Every time someone in my presence hears this particular M. Franks song they always ask me about it. I’ve even gotten a few emails about this track as well.

So, today I am posting this song so that everyone can hear it and know what the title is. The song is a classic in my book and it is called “When Sly Calls (Don’t Touch That Phone)” and the song’s hook is addictive. After the first listen you just might find yourself singing the hook all day long literally? I suggest that you put ears on this joint if you've never heard it before...

M. Franks - When Sly Calls

"Yo, this is Sly man...call me right away, cuz I got some bad news for ya bruh!"


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love me some Michael Franks! My favorite song by him is "When I Give My Love To You", his duet with Brenda Russell.

Anonymous said...

favorite song? "rainy night in tokyo". as a matter of fact, that one is on the same album as "when sly calls..." is on. one thing i remember saying about this cat when i think of michael franks is "that man is a freak!" have you really listened to his lyrics?!? very seductive, risque lyrics for his time. but people were so caught up in his smoooooooooooooooth ass voice. he was one of the 1st cats i wanted to sample when i 1st started producing but never did out of respect for his music ("every little thing she does is magic" by the police is another song i never touched for that reason. one of my favorites. sure am glad i stayed away from that one). yeah, this dude is the goods...

DJ SoundNexx said...

Yep, I figured some of my visitors had some taste in good jazz. Both of those joints mentioned are good to go, but my favorite album is Passion Fruit!

@Kurt - Anybody singing in the 70s was a freak...u ain't know?

de Vereaux said...

AAAAAHHHHH Man.... Michael Franks.....DAMN. That's music. My sister used to have his albums when I was a kid and when I went to NYC to visit her in the 80's that's what she would be playing in her little studio apartment. His voice is infectious. Passion Fruit...let the album play all 10 tracks on point. Second favorite album Barefoot on the Beach, track 3 feat Valerie Simpson.tight

Anonymous said...

Yo, I had to come in and show you some love for posting Michael Franks. I'm 25 and nobody I know, knows who he is. I had to be 10 walking around 'don't touch that phone, don't touch that phone.' I had the pleasure of seeing him in concert here in DC, it was short of amazing. Thanks for putting ppl on to him so I won't feel like the only one...and love has no end is the jam